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How to use Air reviews Import Chrome extension

This guide is designed to assist users who are having trouble importing reviews using the Import to Air Review tool. We'll walk through the process step by step, ensuring you have all the information you need to successfully import your reviews.

Step 1: Add the Air Reviews Import Extension from the Chrome Store

Download it here

First things first, we need to add the Air Reviews Import extension to your Chrome browser. You can find this in the Chrome Store. Here's what the extension looks like:

Step 2: Enter Your Store Information

Next, we need to enter your store information. You can find this information in the 'Integrations' section of your account. You'll need to enter your:

  • App ID
  • Secret Key

Please note, each time you log in, you'll need to generate a new key to get a new Secret Key. Once you've entered this information, click the 'Login' button.

Step 3: Open the Product Containing the Reviews You Want to Import

Now, let's navigate to the product that contains the reviews you want to import.

Step 4: Check the Number of Reviews and Imported Data in 'Manage Reviews'

Finally, let's check to see if the reviews have been successfully imported. You can do this by going to the 'Manage Reviews' section of your account.

And there you have it! You've successfully imported your reviews using the Air Reviews Import tool. If you have any other questions or run into any issues, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help!