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What do I need to do before uninstalling the Air reviews app?

Hello there, dear user! We're so glad you're here. Let's walk through the process of removing code automatically from the Air Reviews app. Don't worry, we'll take it step by step, and you'll be a pro in no time!


This guide will help you understand how to remove the code from the Air Reviews app automatically before uninstalling the app. This is particularly useful in cases where the app has been removed from your store, but our code still remains. If you wish to completely remove our code and files, just follow the steps below.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Accessing the Settings

Please start by going to Settings > General settings. Here, you'll find an option called Remove code. Clicking on this will help you remove the app code automatically.


Step 2: Accessing the Themes

Next, please navigate to Themes > Edit code.


Step 3: Removing the Air Reviews Script

Now, open theme.liquid and then remove the block named Air Reviews Script.

Air Reviews Script

Step 3: Removing Remaining Codes

If you wish to remove all other remaining codes, you can delete the files in the Snippets directory within your theme.

Snippets Directory

And there you have it! You've successfully removed the code from the Air Reviews app. If you have any questions or run into any issues, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help!